465 research outputs found

    Short term variability of reef protected beach profiles: an analysis using EOF

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    Victoria beach (SW Spain) has a rocky flat at the northernmost zone. This has allowed to choose one profile and monitoring the changes induced by a single day storm. Topographic data taken during 21 days and different tendencies of the beach profile, as the accretion rate, were identified. The analysis is carried out by means of Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) techniques, in order to separate the spatial from the temporal variability of the beach profile data. Among the conclusions, it should be highlighted that a swing or oscillation point of the profile was found around the intertidal zone. Furthermore, the erosion has been irreversible in a short term, and the recuperation consisted only in a modification of the slopes of the emerged part, trying to assimilate them to the ones before the storm. Read More: http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/40855%28214%29

    Impactos urbano-ambientales de la vivienda colectiva de baja densidad en la morfología urbana de la Urbanización el Golf - Trujillo entre los años 2005 y 2015

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    La presente investigación tiene el propósito de identificar y evaluar los impactos urbano ambientales que afectan la morfología urbana de la Urbanización El Golf – Trujillo, que produce el incremento de la vivienda colectiva de baja densidad. Esta tipología arquitectónica, conocida en el mercado inmobiliario como Condominios Residenciales, se ha implantado en el ámbito de estudio representando el 70% de toda la oferta del Distrito de Trujillo y Victor Larco. Con el uso y adaptación de una metodología de evaluación de impactos -como las matrices de importancia- se han identificado, valorado y evaluado los impactos de los Condominios Residenciales en la morfología urbana de la urbanización El Golf. Los impactos más importantes en la morfología urbana son: distorsión de la trama urbana; cambios en el perfil urbano; normativa urbana incumplida y una inadecuada implantación volumétrica, lo que ha producido un deterioro en el paisaje urbano del ámbito de estudio.The present research has the purpose of identifying and evaluating the urban environmental impacts that affect the urban morphology of the Urban Golf - Trujillo, which produces the increase of low density collective housing. This architectural typology, known in the real estate market as Residential Condominiums, has been implanted in the field of study representing 70% of all the offer of the District of Trujillo and Victor Larco. With the use and adaptation of an impact assessment methodology - such as important matrices - the impacts of residential condominiums on the urban morphology of the urbanization El Golf have been identified, evaluated and evaluated. The most important impacts in urban morphology are: distortion of the urban fabric; Changes in the urban profile; Unfulfilled urban regulations and an inadequate volumetric implantation, which has produced a deterioration in the urban landscape of the study area.Tesi

    Recompte hivernal d'aus aquàtiques i limícoles a les Balears, gener 1993

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    Winter census of Wildfowl and Waders in the Balearic Islands, Januarv 1993. The census was carried out from the 13th to the 26th of January. The coverage was good, with 52 places visited. The resulting figure is 15.142 birds. belonging to 52 species. Most common species were Fu(rca atea, with 3.227 individuals; Anas platyrrh ynchos, with 2.046; Vanellus vanellus, with 1.919; Gullinula chloropus, with 1.046; Anas crecca, with 912; Podiceps nigricollis, with 685; and Altas clypeata, with 677. Most important arcas were s'Albufera (Mallorca), with 6.396 birds. s'Albufera des Grau (Menorca), with 2.420 birds, and Salobrar de Campos, with 1.935

    Trematode Centrocestus formosanus Infection and Distribution in Ornamental Fishes in Mexico

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    Análisis de la distribución del Trematodo Centrocestus formosanus en peces de ornatoThe aim of this study was to determine the ornamental fish species affected by the metacercariae of the digenean trematode Centrocestus formosanus and its distribution in 48 fish farms in Morelos, central Mexico. The parasite was found to form various numbers of branchial cysts in 11 of the 25 species analyzed. Goldfish Carassius auratus was the most commonly affected species; 20 of 30 farms were positive for this parasite, the fish showing severe clinical signs and having a high mortality rate. For the first time in the region, koi (a variant of common carp Cyprinus carpio), zebrafish Danio rerio, suckermouth catfish Hypostomus plecostomus and blue gourami Trichogaster trichopterus (also known as the threespot gourami) were positive; meanwhile, Mexican tetra Astyanax mexicanus, which had previously been reported positive in other studies in this region, was found to be negative. The parasite was observed in fish from 27 of the 48 farms studied. Ten of 15 municipalities had farms that were positive for the parasite. These results suggest that the distribution of C. formosanus is closely related to the use of water that had been contaminated with the parasite and to the presence of a snail, the red-rimmed melania Melanoides tuberculata.Asociación de Productores de Peces de Ornato of Morelos State

    Los Fondos Revolventes Comunales (FRC) impulsado por la Asociación para la Diversificación y el Desarrollo Agrícola Comunal (ADDAC) como alternativa de Desarrollo de las comunidades de San Benito, Waslala Arriba y el Papayo en el municipio de Waslala, Durante el año 2013

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    La investigación se realizó con la institución de ADDAC, quienes trabajan con 80 fondos revolventes distribuidos en los municipios de Matagalpa, bajo sus criterios la muestra fue intencional, analizando si los FRC de San Benito, Waslala Arriba y el Papayo del municipio de Waslala, son una alternativa al desarrollo humano y comunitario de los usuarios. El método utilizado es la investigación acción participativa, porque da protagonismo a los participantes y de igual manera a los investigadores, agregando que es de tipo descriptiva y explicativa, dado que se describirá el funcionamiento de los fondos, como su influencia en la vida de los usuarios y familias. Con un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, los instrumentos utilizados fueron: grupo focal, entrevista y test de autoestima. Los FRC son una iniciativa para reducir el asistencialismo y lograr integrarse en las zonas rurales, con el propósito de organizar a los productores. El interés de ADDAC es evaluar cómo están realizando los trabajo de campo y así mejorar en las tomas de decisiones en relación a los Fondos. En la primera fase se realizó un diagnóstico participativo, en el que describe la importancia y su contribución al desarrollo humano y comunitario; la segunda fase fue una devolución reflexiva y sistematización con el objetivo de encontrar los factores de éxitos y fracasos, por último realizamos un taller de intervención, para mejorar sus funcionamientos y ser protagonista de cambio en la investigación. Se concluye que los fondos son una alternativa al desarrollo, siempre que estos sean bien manejados y de modo que se explique bien los roles y como deben de funciona

    Orchestration of IT/Cloud and Networks: From Inter-DC Interconnection to SDN/NFV 5G Services

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    The so-called 5G networks promise to be the foundations for the deployment of advanced services, conceived around the joint allocation and use of heterogeneous resources,including network, computing and storage. Resources are placed on remote locations constrained by the different service requirements, resulting in cloud infrastructures (as pool of resources) that need to be interconnected. The automation of the provisioning of such services relies on a generalized orchestra tion, defined as to the coherent coordination of heterogeneous systems, applied to common cases such as involving heterogeneous network domains in terms of control or data plane technologies, or cloud and network resources. Although cloud-computing platforms do take into account the need to interconnect remote virtual machine instances, mostly rely on managing L2 overlays over L3 (IP). The integration with transport networks is still not fully achieved, including leveraging the advances in software defined networks and transmission. We start with an overview of network orchestration, considering different models; we extend them to take into account cloud manage ment while mentioning relevant existing initiatives and conclude with the NFV architecture

    Influence of coastal structures on equilibrium beach

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    An equilibrium beach profile model for a beach affected by a coastal structure is presented. The model is based on the well-known energy flux approach proposed by Dean (1977). The effect of the structure is taken into account by considering the modification that the structure generates on the wave energy flux. The model is then applied to several cases that are usually found along the littoral, namely a perched beach and a reefprotected beach. Several field and laboratory data are used to analyze the merit of the proposed model for describing the equilibrium condition of a beach profile affected by a coastal structure. A good comparison is obtained

    Solar Vehicles Design for Urban Use: Case Adapted to Cuitláhuac Veracruz

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    AbstractSolar energy has now proved, surprisingly, an excellent alternative energy. Particularly Mexico and Veracruz area lies within the world's sunbelt sun being an invaluable source of energy that has not been exploited in all its aspects.The main objective of this paper is to show the efficiency of a prototype electric car for urban use powered by a photovoltaic system. This car must have a minimum of 4hours autonomy with a speed of 70km / h and be able to carry four persons weighing not more than 800kg. During the first stage is the design of a sedan car with a direct current electric motor, the design is very important for mechanical components are light as it is vital to save energy.The next study explains the calculations about braking force between the tire and the road and validates the forces applied to the vehicle steering system.This paper is proposed by the Technological University Center in Veracruz and Industrial Maintenance Area, through this project seeks to raise awareness of the benefits and advantages in the use of renewable energy sources to boost vehicles

    Exploration pathologique des souris transgéniques porteuses du gène VPU de VIH-1

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    L‟infection par le VIH-1, chez les patients, affecte principalement le système immunitaire et conduit à une destruction graduelle des lymphocytes T CD4 et, par conséquent, entraîne un état d‟immunodéficience. Cette immunodéficience permet l'établissement d‟infections opportunistes qui sont responsables de manifestations cliniques associées au Sida. Ces patients peuvent aussi développer des lymphomes, lésions du système nerveux central et une atteinte rénale. L'ampleur et la sévérité des conditions associées observées chez les patients infectés par le VIH-1 ne peuvent être imputées seulement au processus infectieux et à la déplétion des cellules T CD4+. Ceci suggère que les produits des gènes de régulation pourraient avoir des effets cytopathogènes. Cependant, les études sur la physiopathogenèse induite par le VIH ou ses différents gènes ont été difficiles à mener en raison de l'absence d'animaux de laboratoire infectés par ce virus. Ceux-ci auraient pu aider à disséquer le rôle des différents composants du génome viral et les mécanismes pathogénétiques impliqués. Pour pallier cette contrainte, nous avons produit le premier modèle de souris transgéniques pour le gène vpu. Vpu code pour une phosphoprotéine membranaire avec plusieurs fonctions connues. Elle participe au relargage des virions à la surface cellulaire, induit la dégradation des CD4, induit la régulation négative des CMH-1, augmente la susceptibilité à la mort cellulaire des lymphocytes T infectés par le VIH et favorise la réplication virale en empêchant les mécanismes antiviraux cellulaires. Dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé pathologiquement un modèle de souris transgéniques porteuses du gène vpu du VIH-1. Nos résultats démontrent que l‟expression de vpu chez les souris transgéniques induit le développement spontané d‟une hyperplasie lymphoïde pansystémique, une splénomégalie avec une hyperplasie lymphoïde folliculaire évoluant en lésions prémalignes et malignes qui présentent certaines similarités avec la maladie de Castleman et une iv glomérulonéphrite mesangioproliférative qui rappelle certaines altérations de néphropathie associée au VIH chez les patients infectés. L‟ensemble des altérations démontre que les souris Tg/vpu développent une activation chronique et non spécifique du système immunitaire. Dans cette activation immunitaire, une dérégulation de l‟IL-6 et une hyperplasie du réseau de cellules métallophiliques pourraient être impliquées. D‟autres résultats obtenus sur les évaluations du fonctionnement du système immunitaire de la rate et du thymus mettent en évidence une susceptibilité augmentée des lymphocytes des tissus lymphoïdes aux effets apoptotiques de la dexaméthasone et des lipopolysaccharides et un retard dans le repeuplement par les cellules d‟organes lymphoïdes ainsi qu‟une réaction inflammatoire (Schwartzman) exacerbée et des anomalies dans la réaction d‟hypersensibilité retardée expérimentale. Ce modèle transgénique reproduit plusieurs anomalies rencontrées chez les patients infectés par le VIH et ouvre de nouvelles hypothèses sur la pathogenèse de l‟infection par le VIH.The HIV-1 infection results in a severe immunodepression due to an increasing depletion of the CD4+T lymphocytes and in a neurodegeneration that leads to a motor/cognitive complex dysfunction. In addition to these pathological alterations, patients with AIDS may also develop additional complications including neoplasms, nephropathy, hematological abnormalities and opportunistic infections. None of these complications can be accounted for solely by the loss of CD4+T lymphocytes and several investigators have started to suspect the regulatory and accessory genes of possibly playing a role in the AIDS physiopathogenesis. However, studies on the pathological effects contributed by these genes have been hampered by the lack of laboratory animals susceptible to HIV-1 infection. These could have helped to dissect out the role of the different components of the viral genome and their pathogenetic mechanisms. To overcome this obstacle, several investigators have developed transgenic mice carrying either HIV-1 individual genes or partially deleted genome. The vpu gene, which is unique to HIV-1, encodes a membrane phosphoprotein with several known functions as determined by in vitro studies. It participates in virions release at the cell surface, induces CD4 degradation, MHC-1 downregulation, increases apoptosis susceptibility of infected T cells and promotes viral replication by inhibiting cellular antiviral mechanisms. In order to investigate the contribution of vpu to the complex pathogenesis associated with HIV-1 infection, our laboratory developed a transgenic mouse model carrying vpu under the RSV LTR promoter. Here, we described our results of the clinical and pathological investigation of this unique animal model. Our results demonstrate that the expression of vpu in the transgenic mice induces a pansystemic lymphoid hyperplasia, splenomegaly with follicular lymphoid hyperplasia that progress to premalignant and malignant lesions, with striking characteristics of Castelman like-disease, and a mesangial vi hyperplasia variant of HIVAN frequently observed in adult and pediatric AIDS. All lesions observed in this mouse model suggest that the vpu carrying mice develop a nonspecific chronic activation of the immune system with hyperplasia of perivascular metallophillic cells and deregulation of the IL-6 expression within the hyperplastic follicles. Following treatment with dexamethazone and LPS, we observed an increased apoptosis susceptibility of the lymphocytes of the spleen and thymus with slow lymphocyte repopulation of these lymphoid organs. In addition, the transgenic mice developed an exacerbated reaction to the induced Schwartzman reaction and demonstrated a more delayed experimental DTH reaction. Thus, this transgenic model reproduces several abnormalities present in HIV patients. It represents a very interesting and valuable model for studies on the pathology contributed by the vpu gene in the absence of the cumulative effects of the other HIV-1 genes and might help define new possible functions and mechanisms of vpu in the HIV-1 pathogenesis